Category: Uncategorized

future, Marriage, memory lane, Uncategorized, VIZ, Wii, Work

My Love Affair With Licensing

In my former life, I worked in licensing. I realize there are many people out there who have no idea what licensing is about and I know this because before I entered that world, I was one of those people. In the simplest of terms, licensing is the act of granting permission to someone to …

School, Uncategorized, Work

Holy sleepy pants, Batman!

Sooooo… how’s about someone telling me how in SAM HELL people manage to 1) work, while 2) going to school and 3) having kids. Seriously today propelled me into another dimension of sleepy pants. Not sassy pants but serious comfy, flannel, sleepy pants. Ok, so I don’t have kids BUT – I do have a …