Ok, perhaps I’m ever so slightly exaggerating in my subject heading but I find it quite – what’s the right word – … peculiar/disturbing that it’s quite acceptable here to submit a resume for a job with a picture of yourself on it.Actually the most disturbing part of it isn’t that it’s acceptable to submit …
There’s one in my apartment right now, cleaning. She addresses me in the formal you and calls me Senora Andrea. Did I mention she may potentially be older than my mom AND that I am paying her an amount, though good here, that might be considered illegal in the U.S.? I don’t know how I …
My cabby can beat up your cabby…and other findings
Today I stepped out of my “office” to have lunch with K (take another bow, as this is your THIRD cameo on my blog) and to avoid another fight with Santiago (the city) I opted to take a cab to her office. I already had a fight with Stgo earlier this week and I really …
Sign in the bathroom – I don’t understand
I took this picture when I was at the gym. I was using the bathroom – and before you wonder what I’m doing with a camera in the bathroom of my gym, let me explain! I used the bathroom after working out, hence I had my iPod with me which is ALSO my iPhone, which …
Personalized Insurance coverage
I went to buy some medical insurance today… and was told that the insurance sales people make house calls.How so very 1950s.So now I’m waiting for him to call me so that we can coordinate a time for him to come to my mom’s house, explain my medical coverage options and sell me some insurance …
Normal outfits, please!!!
I’m so sick of this cold.I can’t wear anything but layers upon layers and it’s stifling. I feel like the kid in “A Christmas Story” and if I add any more bulk to the lower part of my body, I will soon look like a star fish. More than half my wardrobe is on it’s …
First Week in Review – "You’re Doing It Wrong."
Completed and made it through my first official week living in Chile and I think that the phrase, “You’re doing it wrong,” borrowed from the movie “Mr. Mom” most adequately sums up my first seven days living in the Southern most Latin American (major) city of the Southern Hemisphere. In the movie, as the title …
First Date Night: Seafood and the W
Gonzalo and I had a very nice “date night” last night. The past week has been filled with to-do’s (in case you haven’t noticed) and so after his doctor’s appointment last night (which he needed to do) he says to me “What’s next?” What he meant was for me to take out my snazzy new …
Banco de Chile: Making Adults Feel like Imbeciles since 1893
Should you be so inclined to open a checking account at Banco de Chile any time in the near future, here’s what I learned today:1) get a co-signer who makes a lot of money. Trust me, you’ll need it. Banco de Chile doesn’t really want you without any “economic history.” If they sit down with …
Side note from my Chilean life: Some of what I miss most from the U.S. (thanks Mands!)
me: I really like that term, I hear you barking it’s funny and derogatory in a way but true at the same time bc if you hear someone barking you just get it anyhoo Amanda: I always think of “my dogs are barking” referring to your feet, tho me: oh yeah there’s that wow dogs …